5 Week Profit Acceleration Group Coaching

Breaking News!
How to Avoid the Recession – Position Yourself
to Win & Jumpstart Your Success in 2023

Here's a special message for every Business Owner who really needs
to increase profits but doesn’t realize how their financials – 
(your Profit and Loss statement) – can reveal growth strategies.
5 Week Profit Acceleration Group Coaching
Begins: January 17, 2023
8:00-9:30 AM EST
Meet for 90 Minutes Each Week (virtual)

Registration ends in...

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Hi, my name is John Zentmeyer with Mindset-Momentum and if you want to grow your Profit in 2023, then pay very close attention!

Many business owners suffer from the idea that growing profits exponentially is hard and takes a long time.

But nothing could be further from the truth.

And if you're a business owner that wants to grow profits in 2023, then THIS is EXACTLY what you're looking for.

I'd like to introduce you to the "5 Week Profit Acceleration Group Coaching" which will show you how to use the information in your P&L to accelerate profits exponentially. 

Even if you’re not a “numbers” person, (which most people aren’t), or you don't have a P&L statement for your business yet.

I can help you not only understand your numbers but turn them into a framework of specific focused actions to accelerate your profits.

The "5 Week Profit Acceleration Group Coaching" makes it simple for you to:
  • Find hidden profits and experience immediate gains
  • Get huge gains in your profit by making small adjustments in 3 key financial areas
  • Discover the hidden financial potential of your business
  • Learn a formula you can use to predict in advance, how much you can spend on online advertising and be assured you will make a profit
  • Find multiple ways to lower your overhead expenses

... and much, MUCH more!

Previous Business Owners have experienced great success and confidence in making decisions to accelerate their profits and you will too!

  • One of our clients did not understand how exactly to mark up his products to get the correct expected % profit from each sale. After going through this coaching – he was able to instantly increase his profit by over 18%, so in his case, that was an additional $23,000/year that went straight to his bottom line. That is the same as going straight into his wallet!
  • We were working with a client that was using Facebook to generate leads, but they had never done all of the research to understand the total costs of acquiring a new client. They were concerned that they were not actually making money with that process. They also did not know the lifetime value of their clients. Once they had attended our group coaching, they were able to apply the formula and found that they actually were making money and based on that they should expand their Facebook marketing to accelerate their profits! This empowered them to make confident decisions.

This 5 Week Profit Acceleration Group Coaching is limited in size to enhance the relationships with like-minded business owners that all want to grow their revenues and their profits and focus on the power of implementing well.

In addition, you will have opportunities to share challenges and mastermind strategies that win.

The focus will be on:

  • Learning and revealing hidden potential
  • Implementing specific actions
  • ​Interacting in a mastermind environment
  • ​Utilizing the power of weekly accountability
  • ​Creating momentum
  • ​Developing a new mindset 


Don’t start your year off slowly with uncertainty and a lack of focus.

Become a more confident decision maker and get started now!

We will meet once a week for 5 weeks for 90 minutes Tuesday mornings 8:00 – 9:30 AM EST beginning January 17, 2023.

Our meetings will be virtual – you can meet from the office, on the go, or from the comfort of your home. 

A distraction free environment will be required for your own benefit as well as for others in the group.

We will focus each week’s newly presented material around learning, implementation, discussion, and mastermind. 

“The 5 Week Profit Acceleration Group Coaching” from Mindset-Momentum holds the key to your success with Profit Acceleration in 2023.

If you’re a business owner that wants to start the year off with focus and confidence and grow your profits exponentially, act now & get prepared to overcome the uncertainty of the economy in 2023. 

Space is limited to 15 seats, so be sure to act fast to accelerate your profit growth curve.

This is not false scarcity – this group is limited to provide the best environment to grow profits and relationships.

 The “5 Week Profit Acceleration Group Coaching” will position you to:
  • Overcome worry about your biggest hurdle in understanding the numbers of your P&L statement 
  • ​SIMPLIFY the P&L statement and how it reveals key focused actions for exponential growth
  • Identify hidden profits that your P&L will reveal
  • Gain practice & confidence in your financial knowledge to increase revenue and profits exponentially
  • ​Create momentum and not feel stuck in misunderstanding your P&L and the negative impacts this can have on your money
  • ​Enjoy camaraderie with other business owners in a mastermind environment
  • ​Experience exciting results with the “5 Week Profit Acceleration Group Coaching”
  • ​Leverage your knowledge and time through an investment that costs less than 2 nice dinners out for you and your spouse!
This will work for you!

 80% of Business Owners are not “numbers” people, but you don’t have to be to position your business to WIN!

You will love learning how these strategies will make you a ton of profits and give you the confidence to make decisions that will grow your business exponentially throughout the year and beyond.

Don’t delay the power of investing in and building the exponential growth of your business.

Register Now – I Will See you in the Group

In this 5 Week Profit Acceleration Group Coaching, you're going to learn and discuss simple financial principles so that you can do a quick analysis of your business’s finances and expenses, and then use that information to uncover dramatic and instant increases in your profitability. Bring your burning desire to take action and implement the key lessons. And together, we’re going to establish a strong foundation in your business upon which you can build for years to come.

What Other Business Owners are Saying...

Habibeh Khoshbouei

University of Florida

I had the opportunity to work with John over many years and we established a working
relationship of trust and confidence.
John was always very attentive to our specific needs and his solutions-oriented approach
helped us to solve our challenges and successfully continue our work.
His patience and ability to listen carefully, provide straightforward and simple solutions helped us
achieve consistent results, increase our productivity, and continued to save us valuable time and money over the years.
John is an intelligent person, a quick thinker, resourceful and knowledgeable. If you have the
opportunity to work with John, I highly recommend you take advantage of his expertise and knowledge to help you achieve your goals.

Bill McMahon

Founder, President and CEO at Accelerate Advisory Group

I have known John for over 25 years and have had the privilege to do both business and ministry with him. John has never met a stranger, nor has he ever found a glass half empty. He has a zest for life that he takes into whatever project he is working on. With much success, his time is a hot commodity. If he offers you some, take him up on it! John is both a friend and a colleague. I trust him and can highly recommend him.

Paco Lopez

Premier Digital

In the business world, not only do hard work and attention to detail decide the difference between
average and expert – the expert needs to have access to the best minds in the industry. I know that John has all of the above and is highly recommended.

Pipp Patton

Co-Founder at Search Intelligence LLC

Is has been my privilege to know John for over 35 years. He has always been successful at whatever endeavor he has pursued. He has an engaging personality that has never met a stranger. In addition, John is highly intelligent with the unique ability to explain technical matters in a way that is easy to
He has helped me immeasurably in my business over the years.

Don't let the competition get your seat!

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